Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Tax Levy – A Long Term Investment

At this time of year our property tax bills begin to arrive.  During the budget process each year, there are things the School Board can control, and things the Board cannot control.

The Howard-Suamico School District is driven to work with families and the community to ensure that our students have the knowledge and skills to succeed in a changing world.  This objective is something we can control, and our budgets are created not only for the needs of today but also for future use.  There is a continuous focus on making sure that the long-term per pupil expenditure is fiscally responsible (ex., limited open enrollment, adjustments to benefits, and increasing partnerships with members of the business community).  Another factor in our control is the levy rate.  Since the 2011-12 school year, this rate has decreased from 9.73 to the 9.19 rate that we have maintained for 4 years. 

The information on our tax bills that the District does not control is the total property value within our area, as well as the increase or decrease to individual parcels of property.  When the stable tax rate of 9.19 is applied to changing valuation amounts, the result changes from year to year.  As taxpayers in our District, the Board of Education focuses on ensuring effective stewardship of the tax revenue we receive, not only for today but for the long term.  If you have questions for the Board of Education, please reach out to your Board member located in this article.  

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Howard-Suamico Education Foundation

The Howard-Suamico Education Foundation is excited to announce an opportunity for you to support an HSSD classroom in partnership with Donate through and help support Howard-Suamico Schools and students. Choose a project that inspires you and when the project is fully funded, you will hear back from the classroom with photos and updates. validates the project request and purchases the resources for the teacher.
Visit and choose which project you would like to support. You may donate any time between now and December 31. The Howard-Suamico Education Foundation is invested in students and staff and is committed to fund the final 25% of projects, up to $200.